- The remote control is a very good example of Jef Raskin style interface design. Well done!
- Who's going to buy music and videos when you have podcasts and movie trailers?
- Your line-up has never looked this good? What's so great about a black and a white model? Give us some decent colour - what happened to black and red?
- Amazon has had customer reviews for years - what took you so long? (To repeat that phrase used in relation to Apple's switch to the x86 architecture. Do I see a pattern of late adoptism here?)
- Where's the productivity?
- You didn't quote Mossberg on the scratchability of your iPods, did you?
- Well done for dropping the eMac - I believe it no longer fits in the line-up (using Jobs jargon).
- Congratulations on your taste of music - I've been following Wynton's music for years!
In any case, hope you get better soon, Steve! (Healthwise, that is.)
Tags:Apple,Mac,imac,Macintosh,front row,iTunes,iPod,podcast,podcasts,video podcasting,podcasting,video ipod,ipod 5g,Jef Raskin,Wynton Marsalis